What you need to know!

  • People are spending almost four hours a day online.

  • Most online time involves emails, followed by Facebook, followed by YouTube

  • The most important aspect of having your website rate well is content.

  • Why would you stay on a website if it’s not useful, entertaining or interesting?

  • Contrary to the belief of some, scrolling is not dead. It is actually faster than click from page to page

  • Eclipse will train you in cost-effective methods for keeping your website fresh

web design

Your Face to the World

Everywhere you look today, people are using the internet to Google everything. They read the news, entertain themselves, interact socially, recruit employees, research products and services, and much more.

If you wish to be found – and virtually all businesses – you will certainly want to make a great first impression. Essentially, it is your face to the world!

Getting to the Next Level
As we all know, a great first impression only goes so far. In the online world – responsive websites need to be about “conversion” – your ability to turn a web visitor into an associate, a client, a consumer, a partner, a friend, and hopefully someday your loyal ambassador.

Let Eclipse help you to build the perfect responsive web page.  Let us make your responsive website transition from a curious landing spot to an extension of yourself, your business or organization’s personality online. Contact us today to learn how?

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“The new website you guys built continues to get excellent reviews, and our industry leaders liked it so well, they felt they could not produce one that was better.”

Herb Brown
The Birches Gallery. Goose Bay- Labrador
331 Lacewood Dr. Suite 217,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3S 1K6
McPhillips Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 2M4