What you need to know!

  • Less is more. You only have a moment or two to grab someone's attention.

  • Communication is key. Knowing what to design is understanding the message.

  • Colours choices evoke specific moods or feelings

  • Consistency in branding is essential

  • Eclipse has photoshop gurus

  • And, marketing specialists to help

Graphic design

It Looks Pretty But Can It Sell?

It was Napoleon Bonaparte who said, “A picture is worth 1,000 words.” So just a few well chosen words are needed in most commercial artwork today. The pictures are critical since they can impactfully convey the the words of your message.

Keep it Simple
Can you picture an Apple or Nike logo? They are effective because they are simple and uncomplicated.  Flip through almost any magazine, you’ll find full page ads, typically with one well thought out photo, a captivating headline and a few well chosen words.

Eclipse can help you craft up those well chosen words to go with an impactful design that makes sure your message hits it target. Contact us today for your next great idea!  See examples of our work.
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331 Lacewood Dr. Suite 217,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3S 1K6
McPhillips Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 2M4